Understanding ECEAP
Encompass provides state-funded early learning services free to eligible families through the Early Child Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP, pronounced E-CAP). The ECEAP program is income-qualifying and takes into consideration family and child circumstances. Income qualifications are based on family size and state median income levels. The ECEAP program is funded by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) and includes the following program features:
- Nutritious meals and snacks
- Field trips
- Health screenings
- Parent education
- Family activities
- Resources, referrals, and other support services
Nutritious classroom meals are served family style. Teachers join students at their table where teachers can model and develop key concepts for children, including:
- Opportunities to try new foods and politely decline food they have tasted or may not enjoy yet.
- Understanding appropriate use of utensils
- Assistance with setting and cleaning the table after the meal.
A key aspect of family-style meals is about nurturing community building among peers and supporting children in feeling like they are contributing to their classroom environment. In preparation for mealtimes, children work together to set the table. After meals, children help one another clear the tables. Other benefits include improved motor skills and self-confidence, expanded social skills, and practice using proper table manners.
Our preschool offers quality indoor and outdoor learning experiences that promote school readiness.
Health and development screenings and assessments such as height and weight checks and vision and hearing screenings are done throughout the program year. These screenings involve facilitating children and families’ access to health, mental health, and dental services.
Family support resources include parent education and leadership opportunities. Community building and family engagement opportunities such as Movie Nights and other family events are planned by our Parent Volunteer Committee. The Parent Volunteer Committee offers parents the opportunity to build community and get to know one another.
Encompass is unique in that our Community-Based Therapy program offers “in-house” Occupational, Speech, and Behavioral therapy inside the classroom setting. Therapists work with children inside their classroom setting which allows for more opportunities for students to practice and develop their skills. These wrap-around services set our preschool apart!
The Encompass Carnation Preschool is a full-day program. We also offer part-day and full-day programs at our North Bend location. Our part-day program is 3 hours per day with a minimum of 360 hours of direct service within the school year. Our full-day program is a minimum of 5.5 hours per day 4/5 days a week with a minimum of 1,00 hours of direct service within the school year. Children must be 3 or 4 years old by August 31 of the program year.
To apply please email early.learning@encompassnw.org to get more information.