Encompass Blog

Author: Encompass

Helpful Hints from Our Hometown Heroes

July 10, 2024  |  Community  |  By Encompass

Encompass summer camp kicked off last week with one of our favorite annual themes – Hometown Heroes. This week sees visits from key members of our community who dedicate their lives to keeping us safe or coming to our rescue in times of need. Among our visitors were King County Search Dogs Max (6 years), […]

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Parent Talks Podcast: Summer Spectacular

July 8, 2024  |  Parent Talks Podcast, Parenting  |  By Encompass

We are now a few weeks into a well-deserved summer break for kids and caregivers alike. While we look forward to this time to relax and breathe a bit easier, experience tells us that it typically only takes a week or two before the novelty starts to wear off.  Kids get bored. The snacking seems […]

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Parent Talks Podcast: Understanding Early Support for Infants and Toddlers

April 29, 2024  |  Parent Talks Podcast, Child Development, Pediatric Therapy  |  By Encompass

Serving children and families from birth to age 3, Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) is the Washington State program designed to be the first point of contact for families concerned about their child’s development. Whether it’s speech, motor, feeding, sleep, behavioral, social, or other developmental concerns, our ESIT team employs a collaborative caregiver-coaching […]

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Inspire Community Awards

April 26, 2024  |  Community  |  By Encompass

A highlight of our Inspire Breakfast each year is our Community Awards segment when we honor a business, community organization, and a volunteer who all share in our vision of a community where all children thrive.  This year’s awards were presented by honorary co-chairs Tavish and Rebecca MacLean and Encompass Executive Director Nela Cumming. The […]

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When Baby is Born Early – The Journey to Early Support for Infants and Toddlers

April 25, 2024  |  Early Support  |  By Encompass

Despite the many advancements in prenatal care and medical technology, babies continue to be born before their expected delivery date. A baby is considered premature in Washington state when born at 37 weeks gestation or earlier. Many premature babies need to spend some time in the neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU, to receive specialized […]

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A Conversation with Casey Ehrlich: Recognizing Pathological Demand Avoidance

March 14, 2024  |  Parent Talks Podcast  |  By Encompass

March 18-24, 2024 is Neurodiversity Celebration Week – a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. In recognition of this week, we’re shedding light on Pathological Demand Avoidance – generally recognized as a profile of autism and something Encompass providers see in their therapy sessions.   In our latest Parent Talks Podcast, […]

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Thank You to Our Community Partners for Their Support

  • King County logo
  • King County Best Starts for Kids logo
  • City of Seattle logo
  • City of North Bend logo
  • City of Snoqualmie logo
  • City of Carnation logo
  • City of Sammamish logo
  • City of Issaquah logo
  • United Way logo
  • NAEYC logo
  • WA State Dept of Children Youth & Families
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