“A Supportive Community For All” Community Needs Survey
Snoqualmie Valley’s “A Supportive Community For All” (SCFA) is a coalition of service providers looking to strengthen community connections and coordinate human services across the Snoqualmie Valley. Encompass is proud to be one of the five partner organizations working on this project, funded by King County’s Communities of Opportunity grant program, along with Mt. Si Senior Center, Hopelink, Snoqualmie Valley Community Network, and Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank.
What are human services? All people experience stress at some point in their lives whether related to job loss, becoming a new parent or supporting aging parents, finding housing, putting food on the table, finding assistance for emergency home repairs, or experiencing on-going issues like depression. Human services support people experiencing these types of stressors so they can maintain well-being and quality of life. Communities are healthier and stronger when people have access to the services that they need.
This survey asks community members and service providers in Snoqualmie Valley about unmet human service needs, the current supports and services available, and ways to facilitate better access to services. Information provided here will be used to develop a Needs Assessment, which will be used by SCFA to determine how they can better support Health and Human Services over the next few years.
Snoqualmie Valley residents and providers are encouraged to take the survey below, which will be open through February 8th, 2019. SCFA will also be seeking feedback at in-person community events in January and early February.
Thank you in advance for your participation!