Support, community, and resources for relative caregivers

Kinship Care Support connects relative caregivers (grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings) and the children in their care to resources and a community of other families in similar situations. Go from overwhelmed to well-equipped with Kinship Care Support!
Kinship Care Support services available:
- Assistance with accessing services such as counseling, parenting classes, health care, legal assistance, and basic needs
- Assistance with accessing grants and other financial supports for your child’s needs
- Group meetings held in three locations each month (see below)
- Advocacy with State of Washington agencies, including the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF)
- A safe place for grandparents and relatives to share concerns, joys, and resources associated with the unique responsibility of raising children
- Free child activities
Kinship Care – Children living with family or friends who care for them and provide them with shelter and safety. Kinship caregivers include grandparents, godparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, and stepparents (through blood, adoption, or marriage) or any adult who is not a relative but has a bond which the family recognizes with the child or children.
- Informal Kinship Care is parenting of children by kin as a result of a decision by the family.
- Formal Kinship Care is parenting of children by kin as a result of a determination by the court and the child protective service agency.
Encompass Kinship is partially funded by: City of Seattle Human Services Department, Adult and Disability Services Division, Cities of North Bend and Snoqualmie, and King County’s Best Starts for Kids